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Roe v Wade 50 years later
Roe v Wade 50 years on — why are women's rights heading backwards? MARA RICOY OLARIAGA reflects on an anniversary we can no longer celebrate
By Mara Ricoy Olariaga When I was 19 my flatmates, a couple of Spanish boys, invited me to a party in a sort of youth hostel in London. I will turn 47 this month and I am still in therapy about that party. Because I don’t remember how I went from entering the place to being raped by my flatmates and who knows who, in a dark room full of coats.
I only see goddesses
A Chronicle of the Spanish National Demonstration for the Abolishment of Prostitution
Roe v Wade 50 years later
Roe v Wade 50 years on — why are women's rights heading backwards? MARA RICOY OLARIAGA reflects on an anniversary we can no longer celebrate
My collaboration with Spanish digital newspaper El Común
De ladrones de cuerpos, seres menstruales y el verbo acuerpar
Todo en todas partes al mismo tiempo
Para que el miedo cambie de lado, la vergüenza tiene que hacerlo primero
Qué bonito imaginar que fuimos buenos
Tenemos que hablar de Madonna
Déjate alquilar
El violador eres tú
España, la violencia obstétrica y mi amiga Susana
Las hijas de Eva y el maldito dolor
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